Demands of justice: expansion and limitation of the discretionary power in public security management 公正的诉求:治安管理自由裁量权的扩张与限制
The Commission also has discretionary power to award extra funds. 本委员会也有自由决定赠与额外专款的权力。
On Exercise and Control of the Discretionary Power of Business Administration; Viewing Freedom from the Perspective of Right 论工商行政自由裁量权的行使及其控制自由的权利视角&论自由主义的权利观
Industry executives and legal experts say it remains unclear exactly how the new regulations will affect the industry, but warn that they give the government more discretionary power in a sector already seen to have significant regulatory risk. 业内高管和法律专家们表示,目前尚不清楚新法规究竟将怎样影响行业。但他们警告称,新法规使政府在一个本来就存在显著监管风险的行业拥有更大的酌情决定权。
Concerning Our the Discretionary Power of Security Administrative Punishment of Existing Problems and Countermeasures 论我国治安处罚自由裁量权存在的问题及对策
Officials also routinely refuse to clarify vaguely worded regulations, a policy that leaves them with enormous discretionary power. 中国官员常常拒绝对措辞含糊的条例予以澄清,这使他们拥有极大的裁定权。
Such approach overlooks the role of judicial discretionary power, and therefore, is sharply criticized by scholars of conflict of laws, particularly in the USA. 这种方法忽视了法官自由裁量权的作用,遭到以美国为首的冲突法学者的尖锐批判。
While exercising discretionary power in the enforcement of tax law, the main problems are abuse of the power, unreasonable and unfair exercise of the power. 当前税收执法行使自由裁量权存在的主要问题是滥用裁量权,不能合理、公正和公平地运用自由裁量权。
The Regulation of Discretionary Power in the Process of Budgetary Execution 预算执行过程中的自由裁量权及其法律规范
Owing to the fact that no current laws or judicial interpretation have defined the provision, judiciaries could only use discretionary power to make judgment, which in a manner affects the standardization of executing the law. 由于现行法律和司法解释对此均未做出明确的规定,法官只能运用自由裁量权做出判断,这在一定程度上影响了执法统一。
Scope of modern administrative management expands constantly, which is followed by the expansion of discretionary power. 现代行政管理范围不断扩张,随之而来的是自由裁量权的扩大。
In 1996, our country abolished the system of exemption from prosecution in the amended Criminal Procedure Law, expanded the scope of nol pros decision, and established the prosecutors 'discretionary power to nol pros decision in some cases. 1996年,我国修改后的刑事诉讼法废除了免予起诉制度,扩大了不起诉的范围,确立了检察官在一定条件下对案件做出酌定不起诉的权力。
The problem for judicial discretionary power is inevitable when we discuss the judicial justice. 法官自由裁量权问题是我们谈论司法公正不可回避的问题。
On the basis of the analysis to the discretionary power in administrative licence, the guard and control system of the power can be instituted in order to standardize the behavior of administrative licence effectively, prevent and eradicate the occurrence of corruption completely. 从分析行政许可自由裁量权入手,有针对性地构建行政许可自由裁量权的防范与控制体系,可以有效规范行政许可行为,预防和根除腐败现象的发生。
So, the efficient control on the administrative discretionary power of the customs seems to be more important. 本文旨在探讨对海关行政自由裁量权进行更有效的控制,通过四个部分进行全面论证和阐述。
The discretionary power is generally entitled to trial judges in Magistration Court and Criminal Court. 治安法院和刑事法院的初审法官是行使证据排除裁量权的最重要主体。
To eliminate these indefinite factors and seek the proper way of realizing justice, the problem of balancing empowering and constraining of the judge's judicial discretionary power must be solved in the practice of justice. 消除这些不确定因素,寻找其在司法实现上的途径,必须解决司法中对法官的赋权与对法官自由裁量权限制的平衡问题。
In addition, discretionary power to exclude evidence may bring about material effects to pre-trial proceeding. 另外,证据排除裁量权在审判阶段的行使能够对审判前程序产生实质性影响。
Therefore, the discretionary power of customs penalties for the effective control is very important. 所以,对海关处罚裁量权的有效控制显得尤为重要。
However, the abuse of administrative discretion and will damage the lawful rights and interests of the administrative relative to the principle of the rule of law, therefore, poses a serious threat to how to control the administrative discretionary power, it is very necessary to study. 然而,滥用行政自由裁量权又必然会损害行政相对人的合法权益,对法治原则构成严重威胁,因此,对如何控制行政自由裁量权进行研究,就非常必要。
The subject of the discretionary power is judges. 量刑自由裁量权的主体主要是法官。
Based on this, it expounds its concept, characteristics, research value, and discusses the concept, significance of judicial review of administrative discretionary power as well as the theoretical basis of judicial review in detail. 本文首先从研究自由裁量权入手,对其概念、特征、研究价值进行阐述,在此基础上详细论述了行政自由裁量权司法审查的概念、意义及司法审查的理论基础。
Examination and approval matters too much, too much discretionary power to approve such severe restrictions on competition, leading to the various rights and spread the phenomenon of rent-seeking. 审批事项过多、审批自由裁量权过大等,严重限制了竞争,导致权利寻租等现象的滋生和蔓延。
It is a very important part of the discretionary power of the procurator organs. 是检察机关刑事自由裁量权的重要组成部分。
The expansion of administrative discretionary power is an inevitable trend. 行政自由裁量权的扩大是社会发展的必然趋势。
The fourth part analyzes the questions of administrative procedural control to the discretionary power, put forward specific measures to standardize procedures. 第四部分首先分析了我国对自由裁量权的行政程序控制方面存在的问题,而后提出了健全有关程序制度、规范程序运作的具体措施。
Considering the law authorization and ideal, the existence of the discretionary power has its own rationality. 量刑自由裁量权的存在有其合法性,源于法律授权或符合法律的理念。
Sentencing procedures imply a great significance to the criminal judicatory justice, which is a process to achieve justice penalty by a "watched" way, put discretionary power of the judge under restraint, enhance the acceptability of the results of the administration of justice. 量刑程序以一种看的见的方式实现刑罚裁量公正,制约了法官自由裁量权的滥用,增强了司法裁判结果的可接受性,对刑事司法公正的实现有着重要意义。
The main analysis of the third part of the criminal judge the exercise of discretionary power, including the basic principles, the impact of the exercise of discretion and the application of methods including the judge reasoning, criminal law applies to the interpretation and value measurement. 第三部分主要分析法官刑事自由裁量权的行使,包括基本原则,影响自由裁量权行使的因素和适用方法包括判断推理,刑法适用的解释和价值衡量等。
The first part introduces the concept and characteristic of administrative discretionary power of customs. 文章的第一部分首先论述海关行政自由裁量权的概念和特征,为下面进一步的分析作了理论铺垫。